Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

There has been so much happening these last couple of weeks.

1. My 19 yr old son is now on his own. His actions and behavior gave me no choice but to kick him out. My husband and daughter do not need his crap either.

Now his Dad (my ex) is the hero and everything is my fault. I am not surprised as both of them go through life the same way. If they make a bad decision or choice it is never their fault alway ssomeone else. That someone else happens to be me. One of the reasons I am no longer with the father of my children.

They are both coming tonight to get furniture and I am not looking forward to that encounter at all. I will be the better person, hold my head up and not let either one of them get under my skin.

2. Christmas has come and gone without incident (except for #1) My family Christmas was one of the bests ever and the inlaw Christmas went by without any nephews stressing us out. My stepkids and grand kids came for supper and presents and everyone had fun. All in all the 3 family Christmases were fun and stress free. A nice change from past years.

3. The foster puppies were returned to the humane society without tears. I already have 5 dogs and puppies need time for training and bonding. Something I do not have. The feed bill for my dogs is already high enough. I know they will be loved whatever home they end up in.

4. New Years was a blast! 14 of us went bowling at our local alley. One booking was a no show and we had the entire place to ourselves. Evryone had so much fun that they want to do it again next year. We played Bingo Bowl for 3 games and played 2 regular games. I bowled 217 my first game throwing 6 strikes!

5. I am so looking forward to 2009. We are planning on renovating our home. We will start by moving my daughter to the basement and making our bedroom bigger upstairs. I have lived in claustrophobia too long. Now it will only be 3 of us and we have room to expand some rooms!

6. My word for 2009 is MORE. I want to ride more, scrapbook more, journal more, love more, laugh more and spend more time with family and friends.

Do you have a word for the year?

What about resolutions? I stay away from resolutions. I am terrible at startign soemthign and not finishing it.

1 comment:

  1. Your MORE word is great. I wish you all the best for MORE LOVE especially in your family and in your role as a wife, mother and a stepmom.
